7 mars 2025
Woo Commerce Fix

WooCommerce [deleted] [deleted] deleted@site.invalid

How to correct errors from clients and orders from Woocommerce administration panel?

Sometimes, a message appears in from of orders mention [deleted] under Customers links. You will see another mention in the column of email deleted@site.invalid.

deleted@site.invalid Woocommerce

You will see the same errors or the same messages [deleted] under Orders


How to solve those issues?

Go to Woocommerce/Settings -> Account and Privacy. Under Personna Data Retention, Wipe the line you wand to update and write N/A. If you are not sure of what you need like options for personnal Data Retention put everywhere N/A.


[deleted] or deleted@site.invalid means that you have lost informations about your customers including their orders informations.


  • isabelle 10 avril 2024


    I have these errors messages on old orders. i have changed the settings in woocommerce , as I cannot write N/A i put 10 years fir the validy. i have registered but the messages errors are stil here . is that mean that i could not have access to the information of my old orders? thanks a lot . isabelle

    • Gilles Tounsi 12 avril 2024

      You couldn’t.

      Please try to find the N/A option in the woocommerce admin panel.
      See if you can updated some WooCommerce plugins or deactivate some plugins and test the N/A one after another activated plugin.

      Hope this will help you

  • Bert Schipperijn 13 mai 2022

    Hello Gilles,

    Your above solution did work indeed

  • Bert Schipperijn 6 mai 2022

    Is n/a just empty the fields Gilles. Thats what is possible.

  • Bert Schipperijn 6 mai 2022

    Hello Gilles,
    Thanks for your fast reply. I can not put N/A at those feelds.
    There is a plugin multistore, that connect the site to the master, but thats needed to keep.
    Is there no location at the database where to delete those that do come back?

    • Gilles Tounsi 7 mai 2022

      Products and orders are store in Wp_posts table

      Some ressources for manipulations:

      Q: Is it possible to remove all data from WooCommerce?
      A: Your settings, orders, products, pages, etc… will still exist in the database. In this tutorial, I will show you how to just do that in under 2 minutes. If you need to remove ALL WooCommerce data, including products, order history, reports, etc., you need to be able to modify the site’s wp-config.php file to set a constant as true.

      Q: Can you remove products from a WordPress database?
      A: Removing products by deleting them from the database might not be a good idea since you’d have to remove the records from wp_posts and wp_postmeta and there’s always a risk of breaking the site when operating on the database directly/via plugin like phpMyAdmin.

      Source : mulloverthings

  • Bert Schipperijn 29 avril 2022

    Hello Gilles,
    I have this deleted deleted orders inside.
    Even if i delete those, they return.

    Do you know why?

    • Gilles Tounsi 30 avril 2022

      Hello Bert, please check if there is a plugin associated with woocoommerce which is not well installed or updated. Another solution is to deactivate all those associated plugins (e.g Store customizer and others) and see if those deleted orders return.

      In personnal data retention section,
      Retain inactive accounts
      Retain pending orders
      Retain failed orders
      Retain cancelled orders
      Retain completed orders

      should be at N/A selected

      Waiting for your reaction

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