Another reflexion about data collect methodology
Primary source data belongs to the present. Secondary source data belongs to the past. Both are methods of research which are use by researchers to gather or to collect datas. In the case of primary source of data, data tools included observations, questionnaires, interviews and focused group discussions. These are what we call real-time data.
On the other hand, datas of secondary source are those already exist. They have been yet collected by researchers. Tools to fetch datas this case are : journals, large databases, books, scientific publications, voice or video records, thesis … There are differences between both.

Moving forward, sometimes secondary source data can be the same collected by the researcher when he uses data tools of primary source of data to collect. If we take an exemple of GPS cordinates of the location of an equipement mentionned in a thesis master of doctoral, this data will be the same collected on the field by the resarcher in the case of primary source of data. Furthermore, data from primary source method can be used to verify data coming from secondary source as previous work or reverse method.
Another example can be found is carbon sequestration where we can used the primary method to reject or confirm datas collected by the means of secondary method in the area of study. In the process of sequestration, we uses the reference level of another researcher to fix our own carbon capture on the field and compare or discuss results.
Secondary data which you use today was primary before. An internet litterature review shows a state of publications about secondary and primary methods. Our aim with this post is to open another window thinking about research methododology.
Bibliographic guidelines
Secondary Research: Definition, methods, & examples
N’da, P. (2015). Recherche et méthodologie en sciences sociales et humaines. Réussir sa thèse, son mémoire de master ou professionnel, et son article. L’harmattan